The Underground Poker Club welcomes all who can appreciate the simple joy of gathering around a table (or even the floor) with friends and strangers alike for a few rounds of cards. Whether it’s winning on the river in Hold’em, executing some seriously strategic moves in Gin Rummy, dropping a four-of-a-kind in Big Two, or shooting the moon in Hearts, a deck of cards holds a unique set of memories for everyone that holds them. The deck showcased below is the inception of this growing concept. Enjoy this contemporary take on a timeless tradition, and cherish the memories created with each hand.
This deck’s designs draws from the vibrant tapestry of New York City—whose endless cultures and boundless passions inspire the designs of each of the face cards in the deck.
Hello! My name is Anthony Zhang and this deck of cards was a passion project that began in the Spring of 2022. This marks my first adventure into selling something I’ve designed on the internet but it is an endeavor I know I will learn from and do more of. Thanks for your time, consideration, and support in stopping by!